Eligibility and Limitations

How do I apply for a grant?
Please fill out this interest form indicating your desire to apply for a grant. Our team will reach out with the next steps.

Can any organization apply for a grant?
No, only organizations that have been financially supported by eligible NBA players are eligible to apply for a grant. These organizations must have 501(c)(3) status and in good standing with the IRS can apply for a grant.

Can an organization apply for multiple grants at once?
No. Only one application can be completed at a time.

Is my project eligible for funding?
The Foundation offers funding for a variety of projects. Please view our Grant Overview page for a list of projects the Foundation cannot support.  

Application Process

When is my application due?
We review grants on a rolling basis and have several deadlines throughout the year. Please review the Grant Application Schedule for more details.

How long until my grant is approved?
Please reference our Grant Application Schedule for details on when grants will receive funding.

What format should documents be submitted in?
Documents should be submitted as a PDF, Word document, or Excel document.  Excel documents are preferred for project and organization budgets. Any items submitted as an image, except the player’s proof of contribution, won’t be accepted.

How will I know if my grant was received?
Once the grant is submitted, you’ll receive an automated email from our grant portal confirming your submission.

Why can’t I edit the application after I submitted it?
Once an application is submitted, you can no longer edit it. If you wish to make edits to your application, please notify us at foundation@nbpa.com. We will re-open the application for you.

Why is my application listed as “Expired”?
After 90 days of inactivity, grant applications are automatically closed. If you would like to reopen your application, please reach out to us at foundation@nbpa.com.

Can I submit the donation letter as proof of the player’s contribution?
No, the proof of contribution must be a copy of the check, wire confirmation, or bank statement. Please see our guidelines for more information.

Can I submit my application via email?
All grant applications and required documents are only accepted through the grant portal. Any materials submitted through email will not be considered. Applications won’t be reviewed until all required materials are received. 

Approval and Disbursement

How long does it take to receive funds?
Each grant is different. Depending on several factors, it can take 4-6 weeks for funds to be received by the organization once the grant agreement is signed.


My grant is in 2 installments. When can I get my second installment?
Before the second installment can be processed. The interim report must be completed and approved by the Foundation team. It can take 4-6 weeks to approve and release the funds for the next installment.

When can I reapply for a grant?
Requests for renewals will not be accepted until the previous grant is closed out, meaning all funds have been appropriately spent and reporting requirements have been fulfilled.

Player FAQs

How much can be matched?
For active players, up to $25,000 per fiscal year can be matched. For inactive or retired players, up to $15,000 per fiscal year can be matched. Active players can apply for multiple grants while inactive/retired players can only apply once per fiscal year.

Can a player sponsor multiple grants at once?
Yes. A player can sponsor multiple applications if they don’t exceed their match dollar limit.

Can a player donate through Cash App, Zelle, or Venmo?
No. Please reference our Direct Giving Resource Guide for information on how to best receive funds.

I donated to an organization and want my donation matched. How do I get the process started?
Reach out to a member of the Foundation team or complete the interest form.

How long is my donation eligible for matching funds?
The Foundation will consider requests within 12 months of when a financial contribution is made.